
  1. Cos And Only Cos

    If you are in Paris, after visiting Arc de Triomphe, a 20-minute stroll down Champs-Élysées will take you to La Réserve Paris, a lovely hotel where you can enjoy either a light or a fancy lunch at the Michelin-starred La Gabriel restaurant.  If you are in the mood for wine, their menu offers a fabulous selection of different vintages from Château Cos d'Estournel.

    That is no coincidence.  La Réserve Paris and Château Cos d'Estournel share the same devoted owner, Michel Reybier, who created an intensely intimate and luxurious experience that took luxury spa and hotel to a new level before acquiring the storied estate in Bordeaux.

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  2. Let's Raise A Glass To Celebrate ...

    The Women Winemakers of Bordeaux

    International Women’s Day is on March 8th - just around the corner.  At Laguna Cellar, we are proud to present wines with connection to several of the many talented and hardworking women in the Bordeaux wine trade. 

    Though there are past reports of Bordeaux being a traditionally male dominated industry, more and more women are taking a leadership role in the trade than ever before.  We want to take a moment and share our appreciation for a few outstanding women-run chateaux.  Not only are these women producing knockout wines, but they are also breaking barriers and remaking the image of Bordeaux.  That’s something to be celebrated, particularly around this time of the year!

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  3. Denis Durantou's Legacy

    It isn't every day you hear a lady calling herself "a heartless cow" for not giving 100 points to Château Margaux 2015 (Paul Pontelllier's last vintage), like wine critic Lisa Perrotti-Brown just did yesterday.  To make up for her past hesitancy, maybe, she went on to say this about Château L'Eglise Client 2019 (Denis Durantou's last vintage):

    "This L’Eglise Clinet is difficult to review, not because it is Durantou’s last wine, but because beyond all the quality factors, this wine so clearly, evocatively tells a story of a man’s life and achievements like very, very few wines can. How many points is that worth? For me, it’s off the scale."

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  4. Will her portrait be missed?

    Pichon Comtesse de Lalande scales a new height 

    Her name was Virginie de Pichon Longueville, Comtesse de Lalande.  She was one of the Médoc’s most illustrious characters of the 19th century.  Her namesake wine is Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande (AOC: Pauillac), commonly referred to as "Pichon Lalande".  Its peers in Pauillac appellation include such luminous names as Lafite Rothschild, Mouton Rothschild, Latour, and

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